Bokashi Bran

Bokashi Tea for Healthier Drains

Clean kitchen sink with sponge

You don’t necessarily have to be a fulltime green enthusiast to want to take thoughtful strides towards participating in creating a more eco-friendly environment in your home.

If you have ever felt conflicted about using harsh chemicals when cleaning your home, especially because most of it goes down your drain, and you have started to implement the use of both old fashioned and new age non-toxic products, then using the Bokashi Bran® composting system in your home kitchen will really offer you added benefits to greener living.

Reduce, Re-Purpose and Recycle is a Great Mindset To Have In Our Modern ‘Throw-Away’ Society

When it comes to bokashi compost tea, throwing this down the drain can actually be a great thing to do, especially in the winter months when your plants don’t necessarily need as much feeding with the nutrient-rich bokashi tea fertiliser.

Bokashi tea is an all-natural by-product created when juices leach from fermenting food scraps in your bokashi composting digester bin. The tea also contains a host of beneficial micro-organisms gathered from the addition of the Bokashi Bran®.

Pouring bokashi tea down your drains is something you can feel rather good about throwing away, as it is completely harmless to the environment, in fact, it is beneficial, and doing so can often help prevent you having to deal with clogged pipes down the road.

The microbes in bokashi tea work efficiently, over time, to clean out sludge and organic debris from your pipes and drains, and because the tea is acidic in its undiluted form, it deters plant roots from developing and blocking or cracking older clay and cast-iron pipes.

If you have a septic tank system, the bokashi microbes will thrive in this environment and in doing so, will help to break down waste faster, as well as assist with odours that can occasionally filter back up the pipes and sometimes permeate your kitchen or bathrooms.

Read Next: Dealing with Food Waste in Your Kitchen

Drain Cleaning How-To

1. Open the tap on your bokashi digester bucket and empty the available bokashi tea. You’ll get about a cup or so after 2 weeks of fermenting, depending on how high the water content of your food waste is. The easiest way to tap off the tea is to balance the bokashi bucket on top of another bucket and let it drain out.

2. Pour the collected bokashi tea directly down the offending drains and even into toilets.

3. Run the tap for a brief moment to both remove the bokashi tea smell from the room and also to help move it along the pipes. If using bokashi tea in a toilet, simply give it a flush.

4. Repeat as often as needed to keep your drains free of oily and greasy cooking debris build-ups in kitchen sinks, discourage the growth of tree and plant roots in clay or cast iron pipes and aid a septic tanks efficiency.
If you are struggling with a blocked drain, leave the undiluted bokashi tea to sit in the drain for a few hours before running water after it. This will give the bacteria a greater chance to work.

Bonus Tip:

To aid the process of keeping your drains from becoming mucky, smelly or blocked, put a hair or food trap in your kitchen and bathroom sinks, bathtubs and showers.

Go Even Greener with Bokashi Bran®

Visit our website to find out more about how you can start a food waste recycling to compost program today and enjoy the added benefits of cleaner and healthier drains. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you’re interested in investing in a Bokashi Bran® system.

Now Read: “Green” Tea Gardening

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